Low-Carb Snacks
I'm pretty sure most people will tell you that one of the things they miss the most after they start a low-carb diet is crunchy snacks. But you can absolutely enjoy tasty and satisfying low-carb snacks.
And as it turns out, you can even make crunchy ones! Yes, you can achieve the crunch factor even without white flour and food additives. Jalapeno cheese crisps and homemade pork rinds are two great examples that I make often for my family and for myself. Another recipe that I love is this very flavorful keto beef jerky.
Parmesan Crisps
Salami Chips
40 Keto Snacks
Baked Apple Slices
Keto Avocado Fries
Easy Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs
Honey Roasted Nuts
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Fried Boiled Eggs
Keto Cheese Chips
Homemade Pork Rinds
Roasted Nuts
Keto Cheese Crackers
Bacon Chips
Prosciutto-Wrapped Mozzarella
Keto Beef Jerky
Jalapeño Cheese Crisps